If you run an insurance agency, then you know how important it is to create a strong brand image. However, simply making a name for yourself isn’t enough; you need to continue to promote your brand in order to achieve visibility and recognition. But how can you promote your brand? While having a solid insurance agency marketing strategy is a fantastic place to start, there are several opportunities that you should take advantage of to get your brand out there.Here are some of the opportunities you should take advantage of while promoting your insurance agency brand.
Major Agency Changes
Anytime there is a major change in your agency you should take advantage of this news to promote your agency’s brand. Sharing this company news is a great chance to keep current customers informed and attract the attention of potential clients. For instance, examples of major company changes include:
Community/Charity Work
Another great way to promote your agency is by posting about recent community efforts or charity work that your agency has been involved in. For instance, you could talk about a recent donation your agency made, a recent volunteer event that your agency sponsored, and so on. By highlighting the good work that your agency does outside of the insurance industry, you will create an authentic company image. Potential customers will choose to support your agency because, in doing so, they feel like they are doing something good for the wider community.
New Offerings
Your agency should also post about any new offerings that customers can enjoy. For instance, you should post about new online services that you offer, new carriers, new programs, and so on. Additionally, you should also promote your business as it takes steps to expand it service locations. For instance, if you are now offering coverages in a new state, then you should definitely get this news out there. This will let existing customers know about the new things they have access to, while simultaneously showing potential customers everything they could have if they choose your agency.
These are some of the opportunities you should take to promote your agency’s brand. Remember, another important part of promoting and marketing your agency is having the right digital insurance agency marketing plan in place. For assistance with all your agency’s online needs, contact the experts at GTK Analytics. Our dedicated team has the experience and resources to help your agency expand.