Any business that focuses solely on getting the sale – at any cost – puts their most valuable assets at risk: the people and the culture. Operating in an environment where you are pressurizing sales for the sake of your business culture is not a successful way to manage your internal business. It’s likely that your team will soon feel micromanaged, stressed, unwilling to speak up, and unable to see your vision. If you want to create a business where your team is your strongest ambassadors, then you need to ensure you are not sacrificing your business for the sale.
As a business owner, you need to ask yourself the following questions to ensure you are setting your team up for success:
• Have I created an environment where the employees feel committed to the cause and want to help the business succeed?
• Am I available for mentorship? How can I help to advance an employee’s skillset?
• Am I giving them skills, training, leadership, motivation, and the tools they need to be successful?
Growing a successful – and sustainable – brand is more than just hitting your sales targets. If you set unrealistic goals for employees, they will soon become uninspired and unable to reach the goal. If you overpromise and underdeliver to a client, then all that hard work you put into the sale will mean your staff is working overtime to perform. While it’s good to push your workforce to strive for better results, it’s essential you do not overextend their abilities or workload.
Of course, sales and customers count if you want to be successful. Without them, you wouldn’t have sales or revenue, or a business at all. In order to succeed, you need to make your customers a priority. That requires going beyond standard customer service. The best approach for achieving excellent customer satisfaction levels is to develop a customer-focused culture.
Harnessing the power to keep customers content will help to improve your revenue long-term as they become repeat clients. This means you are not always looking for new sales and new customers to win over.
If you want to get a better insight into where you can improve your digital marketing strategies to land more sales, get in touch with our team who are happy to help! Contact the professionals at Stratosphere on (818) 338-6700 or by emailing to get started.